Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ok, so this is new.

I live in Lansing, Michigan. For now, I am an Electrical Engineering senior at Michigan State University. I'm 21. I work on campus digitizing audio for internet databases. I'm in the Ohmophobes. I spend a lot of time on the internet, and I have pretty much nonstop since I was 12. I'm into electronics and signal processing (mostly having to do with audio), music (both collecting and making), and, I don't know, a bunch of crap. I like to knit and draw too.

Today, I'm sick with a summer cold, but I'm happy. I'm reading Girlbomb by Janice Erlbaum and it's really good. My summer reading so far:

I decided last week that there was no reason to drive my car to work so I've been taking the bus. It's actually really nice. I sit, listen to music. It takes about 50 minutes including the walk on either end. I saw some kids on the ride home today; they're friends with the bass player and drummer that were in my last band. They're cool kids, several years younger than me, but now around 18. They live with my old friend from high school. On a whim I asked them for their address and said I'd stop by sometime. I would really like to, but I kind of doubt that I will. I tend to avoid out of the ordinary situations, including randomly stopping by at old friends' houses. I think I would almost feel guilty to my regular friends for doing that, since I barely stop by at their houses anyway. I think it's a symptom of having a comfortable residence; I never want to go to anyone elses'. I'm thankful for my place right now though. It's relatively clean, although the kitchen has an unidentifiable stench at the moment, probably the trash, and all my music and books are here.

Today my boyfriend Chaz's band The Chirps had an article in Lansing's Noise magazine published. I thought it was really good. I'm proud.

Here's what I was listening to last week:

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